A small change can cause high impact!

My role

Product designer


UX experiment




A UX experiment for a car rental mobile app, shows how impactful adding a red badge in a bottom tabs menu to increase the open rate for that tab.

Brand name and sensitive info have been hidden in accordance with non-disclosure agreement.


Currently, the app is full of annoying popups, we have different popup types, like product new feature updates, new offers and marketing messages. We are looking for a way reduce these popups and keep them users updated with our updates.
As a starting point we decided to remove all new offers popups and replace it with a notification tag at the offers tab in the bottom tabs menu.
We always see a red badge shows that there is an update in that specific screen, which will encourage the users to tap on that menu item to explore that update. But, we don't know how much is this affecting the open rate to that page? Can we just remove the popups for the offers announcements and replace it with that indicator when we have a new offer? This experiment was done to answer these questions.

Current data

The current data shows only 22.48% opens the offers page, which we consider it low and we need to make that tab more noticeable when we have a new offer added. Even though we have popups for new offers announcements but they are not effective since the most of the users are just dismissing them without reading them.
The experiment
Adding a red tag on the offers tab when we have a new offer in bottom tabs menu will increase the open rate for that screen
A/B testing with all of our iOS users, 50% will see the red tag and the rest will not


The results show a significant improvement when using the red tag, which increased the open rate by approximately 110% after one week of the experiment with nearly 25,000 users. The offers page open rate with the red tag was 40%, compared to 19% without the red tag.

Whats next?

This was a quick solution, as the effort required was minimal, but the impact was significant. We used native solutions for both iOS and Android, which required minimal effort from the development and design teams, making the experiment worth it.
Also, we are planning to create a notifications center for the app's announcements. We are still in the exploration phase, and this will require more effort than the quick update.

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